

  • 惊悚 恐怖 恐怖片 电影 
  • 约翰·瑞斯-戴维斯 理查德·布雷克 彼得·库南 
  • A serial killer has been sentenced to death by electric chair in London in the 1890s, but in his finA serial killer has been sentenced to death by electric chair in London in the 1890s, but in his final hours, he puts a curse on the prison he is in, and all of those in it.
  • 传记 纪录 历史 电影 
  • John Casani Carolyn Porco Frank Drake 
  • 1977年秋天,相隔16天发射的旅行者2号太空探测器克服了一切困难,在无数次未击中中幸存下来,近40年后,它继续向难以想象的距离传递革命性信息。1977年秋天,相隔16天发射的游览者2号太空探测器克制了一切困难,在有数次未击中中幸存上去,近40年后,它继续向难以想象的距离传递革命性信息。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 伊文娜·林奇马丁·麦凯恩迈克尔·史麦利戴克兰·康仑 
  • 90
  • Ateenagegirlrunsawayfromafosterhomewiththeboywholovesher.ShesearchesforhervisionarywriterfatherwhoisAteenagegirlrunsawayfromafosterhomewiththeboywholovesher.Shesearchesforhervisionarywriterfatherwhoislockedupinapsychiatricinstitution.Itisastoryofredemption.Ateenagegirlrunsawayfromafosterhomewiththeboywholovesher.Shesearchesforhervisionarywriterfatherwhoislockedupinapsychiatricinstitution.Itisastoryofredemption.
  • 剧情 恐怖 爱情 电影 
  • 塞伦·希德 艾本·叶尤 HannahLynch JimNorton 艾丹·奎因 汉娜·林奇 伊安娜·哈德威克 BillyRoche 
  • 豆瓣 5.8Michael Farr (Ciarán Hinds) is a teacher raising his two children following the death of his wife two years earlier. Experiencing strange phenomena late at night around his family home, Michael isn't sure if he is dreaming or if something more sinister is at play. A distraction lies in an international literary festival that his town plays host to which attracts authors from all over the world. Working as a volunteer for the festival, Michael is assigned to look after Lena Morelle (Iben Hjejl...
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Emma Greenwell Christine Marzano Tom Hughes 
  • 一个工薪阶层的爱尔兰女孩,参加了一个英国贵族的花展,这个花展世界闻名。于是女孩以她充满激情与灵感的风格,在这个以经典传统为重的花展中独树一帜,鹤立鸡群一个工薪阶级的爱尔兰女孩,参与了一个英国贵族的花展,这个花展世界知名。于是女孩以她充溢热情与灵感的作风,在这个以经典传统为重的花展中独树一帜,鹤立鸡群