

  • 动作 奇幻 电影 
  • Warden Wayne Sean Thomas Reid Moriah Brooklyn Tuyen Powell Maxwell Fox-Andrews Justin Hargrove Mariah Fox 保罗·罗根 Landon Konop Tristan Lawrence Tyler Rostedt Scott Dye Travis Carter 
  • 120分钟
  • 这是一部非营利性的长篇电影,与漫威、索尼或迪士尼均无关联,由该蜘蛛侠的粉丝创作。  彼得·帕克(Warden Wayne 饰)的前女友不幸身亡,似乎是由于他试图拯救她而造成的,彼得·帕克对于过去的这是一部非营利性的长篇电影,与漫威、索尼或迪士尼均有关联,由该蜘蛛侠的粉丝创作。  彼得·帕克(Warden Wayne 饰)的前女友不幸身亡,似乎是由于他试图拯救她而构成的,彼得·帕克关于过去的愧疚挥之不去,质疑能否应该永远掩埋来自他的另一个自我的诅咒。当他得知一个身患绝症的孩子寻求与蜘蛛侠见面时,彼得在思索能否要在他的仅剩之日里去抚慰他。  改编自:“SPIDER-MAN: BLUE”以及“THE KID WHO COLLECTS SPIDER-MAN”。
  • 科幻 恐怖 电影 
  • Robert Foxworth Talia Shire Armand Assante 
  • 102 分钟
  • 琳达(桑德拉•布洛克SandraBullock饰)有着一个看似幸福的家庭——漂亮的房子、两个女儿和丈夫吉姆(朱利安•麦克马洪JulianMcMahon饰)然而当有一天,琳达一觉醒来,马上被告知这家庭的  ASavagebeast,growntomonstroussizeanddrivenmadbytoxicwastesthatarepoisoningthewaters,spreadsterroranddeathonaMainecountryside.
  • 动漫 
  • Jonah Bobo Jeff Foxworthy Reba McEntire Rob Paulsen Krista Swan Patrick Swayze 
  • 本片是迪士尼1981年出品的《狐狸与猎狗》的外传,故事回到了小狐狸陶德与小猎狗小铜的小时候。其时 陶德(乔纳什·波波 Jonah Bobo 配音)与小铜(Harrison Fahn 配音)已经成为十分本片是迪士尼1981年出品的《狐狸与猎狗》的外传,故事回到了小狐狸陶德与小猎狗小铜的小时分。其时 陶德(乔纳什·波波 Jonah Bobo 配音)与小铜(Harrison Fahn 配音)曾经成为十分要好的冤家,每当小铜觉得自己一无是处的时分,陶德总会鼓舞它重拾决计。一天,一个由猎狗组分解的演出 团离开此地,这让小猎狗小铜简直乐翻天,他不但 看法了许多跟自己同类的狗冤家,甚至还掘客 了自己的演出 天份。但是随着库伯越来越走红,陶德末尾心胸妒忌,觉得自己被无视了。而想要跟著演出 团远离家乡四处去巡迴演出 ,面对这样的状况,陶德要如何留住好冤家呢?陶德和小铜的这段友谊再次遭到考验。 本片于2006年的年底在美国推出上市,本片是以直接刊行 影音产物 的方法 刊行 。
  • 剧情 
  • Darcie Lincoln Tara MacGowran Becky Fletcher Tony Manders Tommy Vilés Saudiq Baoku David Royal Arron Blake Claire-Maria Fox Jerry Anton Charlene Cooper Aaron Ayamah Laura Menendez Danny Coakley Karen Masek 
  • After her heartbreaking miscarriage and failing career as a model, Elise has now found herself withoAfter her heartbreaking miscarriage and failing career as a model, Elise has now found herself without a career and living as a stay at home wife to a wealthy business man who, over the years, seems to have got tired of her. Worried he is being unfaithful, Elise goes to spy on him, when she bumps into a mysterious and alluring photographer. A passion strikes between them both and a steamy affair begins. The photographer shows Elise sites and feelings she's not felt before; introducing her to sleep with a variety of different men. As they sexually experiment together, Elise's husband grows to realise he might be loosing Elise. He tries to reignite the spark in their relationship, making her feel guilty for her secret affair. She plans to call the relationship quits when the photographer threatens to blackmail her with secret recorded sex tapes of them together. The photographer becomes controlling, stalking her, ensuring Elise is left with nothing and no one, but him. A tale of love, ...
  • 爱情 真人秀 欧美综艺 综艺 
  • Freya Fox 
  • Some love stories you never see coming. Love Is Blind Season 3 premieres October 19th.Some love stories you never see coming. Love Is Blind Season 3 premieres October 19th.