

  • 剧情 电影 
  • 小林聪美 松重丰 斎藤汰鷹 平岩纸 江口德子 桃月庵白酒 水间龙 Long Mizuma 铃木圣奈 瀧川鯉昇 涩川清彦 Kiyohiko Shibukawa 泉谷茂 柳原晴郎 
  • 95分钟
  • 五十岁的芙美(小林聪美 饰)独自住在滨海小镇,每天过着规律的生活,一早先来个健康操,中午和同事们坐在堤岸吹着海风共进午餐,下班后则准时到社区戒酒会报到。日复一日的平凡生活,却因某夜一块从天而降的陨石改五十岁的芙美(小林聪美 饰)独自住在滨海小镇,每天过着规律的生活,一早先来个安康操,半夜和同事们坐在堤岸吹着海风共进午餐,下班后则准时到社区戒酒会报到。日复一日的伟大生活,却因某夜一块突如其来的陨石改动了。这几亿分之一的机率来临后,芙美渐渐发现周遭各种过去不曾留心的人、事、物。寡居好友的新爱情竟是为亡夫诵经的和尚;邻家小男孩航平大喜大悲的初爱情事;戒酒会导师面前不为人知的惊人容颜;以及初到镇上的新面孔,那个擅长用露草叶子吹出美妙音律的男人吾郎(松重丰 饰),两人从相互留意到心动,他们不过问彼此的过去,也不去想悠远的未来,只是共享当下,一同停下脚步感受被遗忘已久的幸福,而那些尘封许久的悲伤往事也奇观般地失掉抚慰。
  • 动画 动漫 
  • PhillipGlasser JamesStewart EricaYohn CathyCavadini 
  • Some time after the Mousekewitz"s have settled in America, they find that they are still havingSome time after the Mousekewitz"s have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems with the threat of cats. That makes them eager to try another home out in the west, where they are promised that mice and cats live in peace. Unfortunately, the one making this claim is an oily con artist named Cat R. Waul who is intent on his own sinister plan. Unaware of this, the Mousekewitz"s begin their journey west, while their true cat friend, Tiger, follows intent on following his girlfriend gone in the same direction.
  • 动画 动漫 
  • 多姆·德路易斯 ChristopherPlummer EricaYohn 
  • Fievel is a young Russian mouse separated from his parents on the way to America, a land they think Fievel is a young Russian mouse separated from his parents on the way to America, a land they think is without cats. When he arrives alone in the New World, he keeps up hope, searching for his family, making new friends, and running and dodging the cats he thought he"d be rid off.
  • 剧情 爱情 儿童 电影 电视 
  • 新垣结衣 锦户亮 平山浩行 莲佛美沙子 佐藤二朗 铃木 亮平 RYOHEI SUZUKI 青山伦子 荒川良良 竹内力 药师丸博子 谷花音 高木星来 
  • 豆瓣 7.7出身贫穷但性情强势的新晋女律师鲇川若叶(新垣结衣饰)就职第一天被女下属樱川升子(药师丸博子饰)委托照顾其5岁的女儿樱川日向(谷花音饰)。因此,若叶不得不担任日向的行程,在干练园遇到了单亲爸爸也是小冤家中的人气王山田草太(锦户亮饰)。  由于之前的一次误解,让若叶对草太的印象不时不佳。但经过一系列事情,渐渐的相处上去,发现草太是个责任感强,脾气平和的居家好男人。但好强的若叶不时梦想能青云直上,无财富无住房无学历的草太不能给她这些。不安于平淡的若叶即使愈发在乎草太,也死不供认。二人的相处曲折多多。强势女与弱势男的爱情故事,借由小冤家的推波助澜,在心酸与温情中悄然演出。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Yohan Levy 
  • 0
  • ThefilmtakesplaceinToulouseandtellsthestoryofJean,a55year-oldpolicemanwhodiscovershisson,Maxime,andhThefilmtakesplaceinToulouseandtellsthestoryofJean,a55year-oldpolicemanwhodiscovershisson,Maxime,andhisson'sboyfriendhangedinahotelroom.TheautopsyshowsthathediedfromanoverdoseofGHB,justsevenminutesafterhisboyfriend.DuringaneveningorganizedbyMaxime'sfriends,JeandiscoverstheclubBISOU,wherehissonusedtogo.There,hemeetsFabien.Tryingtoknowmoreaboutwhathappened,JeangoestotheclubseveraltimesoverandisquicklywelcomedbytheBisouers.Fabienbecomesattachedtohim,andJeanstartsmixinghismourningwiththedesiretodiscoverhisson'sworld.